Fan the Flame of HOPE
Year Five Pilgrimage
So here's the idea...
We are considering putting on Pilgrimages of Hope for Year Five, for schools in your MAC, cluster or area. Embrace the opportunity of coming together for a morning of song, prayer & sharing as pilgrims of hope in the Jubilee Year.
The reason why this is just an idea at this stage is because of the work it will involve for us at OneLife Music to put these together, particularly with regards to logistics, as well as the financial element and so we are asking you to 'register your interest' as a school, so that we can see if this will work!
Please provide us with *Your Name *Your School Name *Your contact email
FREE! Two new songs for the Jubilee Year 2025. Inspired by Pope Francis' message to be Pilgrims of Hope in our current world, we are delighted to share with schools, 'Give us hope, O Lord' and 'Song of Hope.'
Full day school visit retreat: Dan and Emily will come into school to lead the Jubilee Retreat in person. Sharing, singing, reflecting and praying as a whole school for the whole day, on retreat.
Half Day Online Retreat: Celebrate the Jubilee Year with a whole school retreat. We Will Go Out as Pilgrims of Hope is a wonderful way to be reminded of the call to be disciples and to walk with Jesus as pilgrims of hope.